
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

Once upon a time: a wonderful serie

  I love many series and movies, but I´m not a big fan to visit the theater because this makes me feel so uncomfortable, I´m a emotional and sensitive person, and cry with anything, and this is embarrassed for me. But nowadays Amazon Prime solve all my problems. I think that the best serie that I have seen in my life, it´s Once Upon a Time, this tell the story of the all classic tales characters, like Snow White, Prince Charming, Belle and others; and theirs life’s after to the happy happy endings that all we know. The series begins with a pregnant Snow White who, faced with a curse of Evil Queen, decides to send her daughter Emma to a place far away from the Enchanted Forest, so she become to the Savior of fayre tails world. 28 years later she arrived to Storybrooke, after the visit of a strange little boy, and there live all characters of classic tales, but they doesn’t remember their real life´s, and the live a normal life, without magic. Until that Emma returns, and the Evil Qu

Divide Tour

 The best concert that I have in my life was the Ed Sheeran Concert, by Divide Tour, on Movistar Arena, the date of this was on May  15 th  of 2017, it was my first concert in the life, and the best until today. I went with my best friend Sofía, and we cried before, during and after to the concert haha!. Ed Sheeran is an English singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, and actor. First recording music in 2004, he began to be seen by people over the internet. The first time that he visits Chile, was on 2015 with his X World Tour. During the event the atmosphere was so nice, all the people was dancing and singing his songs, it was amazing, the vibes that he transmits are incredible, with his powerful voice he got fall in love quickly.  If I can go back in the time, I would like repeat this day, many times.💙💙💙 I hope that word count will be fine, because my brain don´t have more ideas today 😴

Rome a place to visit

  If I can travel to any place in the world, I think that I´ll go to  ✈✈ Rome, Italy. This is my biggest dream in the life. I share this dream with my mom, and I´m hope so that this dream, one day, come true. In the high school I learned to much about styles of architecture in Europe, especially Rome. This place has many influences of baroque movement, example of this it´s San Pietro Square, localized in Vatican. It´s a magical and historical place, and Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world!!! I would like to do many things there, eat pasta, pizza and go on vespa to anywhere. And I would like visit Fontana Di Trevi, The Coliseum, San Pietro Square and climb the cupola of the Basilica Di San Pietro. I would like study in Rome for one semester or a year to learn much about the city, and the administration of this; and visit all the wonderful places.💖💖 Fontana Di Trevi The Coliseum  San Pietro`s Tumb